Appearances in Media from 2011-Now (most recent)

This is just a small overview: from 2015 until now … from selected Benelux media only.

Go to ‘Special appearances in media’ for worldwide media TV appearances.

It’s impossible to provide you with all my press coverage with over 3 decades of security interviews (over 3700 interviews)!

All interviews and articles are seen as references of the provider or originator.

Nothing on this page may be reproduced without asking the originator which hold the copyrights.

More coming soon …

2024 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, BNR Nieuwsradio NL, NPO Radio 1 NL etc …)


VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2024 05 08 – Quishing and charging stations – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:
VRT Radio 1 website link:

VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2024 03 15 – Belgian BSC: new encrypted phones and laptops communication system for ministers developed in Belgium – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2024 03 07 – Belgian Duvel beer brewery ransomware cyberattack by dubious Stormous hacking group – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2024 01 22 – Belgium case about Eddy Snelders and Spycams – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


2023 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, BNR Nieuwsradio NL, NPO Radio 1 NL etc …)

VRT Radio 2 did a Digitour around Belgium about digital transformation and security. I was asked to tell more about secure and safe Wi-Fi and public hotspots by Kim Debrie for the first session of the season. They drove around with a mobile radio studio. Here you can find the VRT Max video with my tips (in Dutch).

Via VRT Max you can watch and listen to this full Digitour 13 – 24 November 2023:

Short security tips (Dutch – including the clip from above) via


Business AM Radio – Artificial Intelligence – 2023 09 22 – Interview – A new AI threat called ‘Prompt Injection’ – Dutch

Business AM Radio website link:


Business AM Radio – 2023 08 11 – Interview – Cyber Security Special with Eddy Willems – Dutch

Business AM Radio website link:


VRT Radio 1  – 2023 06 10 – Prince Harry’s phone infected with Spyware? – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:

Also available in podcast format:–en-hoe-hackbaar-is-je-smar/

Also available as article:


Business AM Radio – Cybersec Europe Special – 2023 04 19 – Interview with Eddy Willems part 1 – Dutch

Business AM Radio – Cybersec Europe Special – 2023 04 19 – Interview with Eddy Willems part 2 – Dutch

Business AM Radio website link:


VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2023 04 05 – Worldwide Law Enforcement Operation CookieMonster Genesis Marketplace Takedown – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


2022 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, BNR Nieuwsradio NL, NPO Radio 1 NL etc …)


ATV / Nieuws – 2022 12 19 – City of Antwerp hit by ransomware cyberattack – Dutch

ATV website link:


VRT NIEUWS/FB News Live – 2022 12 06 – City of Antwerp hit by ransomware cyberattack – Dutch

VRT website link:


VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2022 12 06 – City of Antwerp hit by ransomware cyberattack – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


VRT Evening News (quote) Radio 1/2/Klara/MNM/Studio Brussel – 2022 04 12 – Biggest Hackers website RaidForum takedown by Europol – Dutch


VRT Radio 1/De Ochtend – 2022 03 04 – Russian Cyberattacks on Ukraine using Phishing – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


VRT Radio 1/De Ochtend – 2022 02 09 – ECB prepares banking sector for Russian Cyberattacks – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 website link:


ATV / Nieuws – 2022 02 02 – Sea-Invest Seaport Cyberattacks – Dutch

ATV website link:

VRT NIEUWS/News Live – 2022 01 12 – Extern mailverkeer van Defensie lag 4 weken plat na cyberaanval
(Log4shell cyberattack and external mail traffic problems at Belgian Defense ministry) – Dutch

VRT website link:


2021 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, BNR Nieuwsradio NL, NPO Radio 1 NL etc …)

RTV / Standpunt – 2022 12 12 – Phishing problems are increasing – Dutch

RTV website link:

NPO Radio 1 NL – ReporterRadio Pointer – 2021 10 03 – Fake SMS and malicious apps – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 – Nieuwe Feiten – 2021 02 19 – Spionage Pixels – Dutch

BNR Nieuwsradio NL – De Ochtendspits (TechUpdate) – 2021 01 06 – Working from home during Corona (Thuiswerken tijdens Corona, Onderzoek G DATA) – Dutch

2020 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, etc …)

VTM Nieuws/News – 2020 09 13 – Whatsapp Hacking – Dutch

NPO Radio 1 – NL Reporter – 2020 05 10 – G DATA Android Research – Dutch

NPO Radio 1 – NL Reporter – 2020 01 12 – G DATA Retail Research – Dutch

2019 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, etc …)

VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2019 12 27 – Allianz Data breach – Dutch

Joe FM – Q MUSIC BE Nieuws – 2019 03 07 – Google Chrome Browser Problem – Dutch

2018 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, etc …)

VTM Nieuws/News – 2018 12 28 – FitnessAPP Strava – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2018 12 14 – Facebook Leak – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2018 04 09 – Facebook Gate (part 2) – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2018 03 20 – Facebook Gate (part 1) – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2018 03 01 – Ransoming Hospitals – Dutch

RTL Z Nieuws/News – 2018 02 05 – The first Ransomware (AIDS information Trojan Diskette) in 1989 – Eddy still has one of the few copies left in the world – Dutch

BNR Nieuwsradio NL – 2018 07 27 – Android Malware (mobile malicious apps) increasing (G DATA stats) – Dutch

Joe FM – Q MUSIC BE Nieuws – 2018 06 30 – Facebook Messenger Virus – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2018 05 15 – Porn UK – Dutch

VRT Radio 1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2018 03 13 – Voyeur Sites – Dutch

VRT Radio 2 – 2018 07 20 – De Inspecteur – GDPR explained – Dutch

New Business Radio NL – 2018 01 16 – GDPR explained – Dutch

2017 (VRT, VTM, NPO, RTLZ, etc …)

RTL Z Nieuws/News – 2017 12 24 – Evangelist, an extraordinary job – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2017 07 20 – Malicious WhatsApp messages – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2017 06 27 – Petya NotPetya Ransomware – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2017 05 15 – WannaCry Ransomware Outbreak Update – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2017 05 13 – WannaCry Ransomware Outbreak (nieuws versie)- Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2017 05 13 – WannaCry Ransomware Outbreak (web versie)- Dutch

NPO Radio2 NL – De Wild In De Middag – 2017 08 29 – Dark Web – Dutch

JoeFM – Q Music BE Nieuws – 2017 07 20 – Malicious WhatsApp messages – Dutch

JoeFM – Q Music BE Nieuws – 2017 06 27 – Petya/NotPetya outbreak! – Dutch Newsflash2

JoeFM – Q Music BE Nieuws – 2017 06 27 – Petya/notPetya outbreak! – Dutch Newsflash1

VRT Radio1- De Wereld Vandaag – 2017 05 17 – AdylKuzz Outbreak (after Wannacry) – Dutch

JoeFM – Sven en Anke Ochtendshow – 2017 05 04 – Passwordday! – Dutch

VRT Radio1- De Wereld Vandaag – 2017 01 26 – PGP encryptie op mobiele telefoons bij Antwerpse bende criminelen – Dutch

2016 (VRT, VTM, etc …)

VTM Nieuws/News – 2016 07 12 – Weg privacy Pokemon volgt u altijd en overal (no privacy with Pokemon Go?) – Dutch

VTM Nieuws/News – 2016 06 07  – Meer blauw op internet (supporting the police on the internet?) – Dutch

VRT Radio1- Hautekiet – 2016 10 27 – Dirty Cow, Drammer en update problemen Android – Dutch

VRT Radio1- De Wereld Vandaag – 2016 09 07  18:13 – Twitter accounts hacked of Belgian politicians – Dutch

VRT Radio1 – Weet Ik Veel – 2016 07 05 – 12:00-13:00 – Geheim internet voor beginners (Secret internet for beginners) – Dutch

VRT Radio1 – De Wereld Vandaag – 2016 06 08 17:20 – Hackbaar Belgie en DownSec TaxonWeb (Hacking Belgium and TaxonWeb/Downsec) – Dutch

VRT Radio1 – Hautekiet – 2016 06 07 – Meer blauw op internet (supporting the police on the internet?) – Dutch

VRT Radio1- De Wereld Vandaag – 2016 05 05 -PassWordDay – Dutch

VRT Radio1 – Hautekiet- 2016 02 09 – Slechte internet cijfers Eurostat voor Belgie en cybercrime (bad figures for Belgium and cybercrime) – Dutch

2015 (VRT, VTM, etc …)

VRT Terzake – 2015 05 07 – … – Dutch

VTM NIEUWS/News – 2015 08 04 – Minder spam via mail, vaker via Facebook (less spam via mail more via Facebook) – Dutch

VTM NIEUWS/News – 2015 04 28 – Pinnen zonder pincode, de toekomst (is wireless paying safe?) – Dutch

More coming soon …